[JWplugins] Name question: Messa di voce

Eric Fiedler Eric.F.Fiedler at t-online.de
Wed Dec 19 10:30:47 CET 2012

Excellent idea and a good name for the symbol. Is this a small part of a larger plug-in, and if so, what's the whole thing called – and when will it be available?
And many thanks for these – and all the other – plugins!
Habsburger Verlag Frankfurt (Dr. Fiedler)
Eric.F.Fiedler at t-online.de

On 19.12.2012, at 09:52, Jari Williamsson wrote:

> Hello!
> I have a task in a plug-in currently named "Messa di voce", that creates "< >" hairpins on single long notes.
> Would that be OK as a name for this task, or would it be confusing? Is there a better name available? (The task is not specific to vocal music.)
> Best regards,
> Jari Williamsson
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