[JWplugins] Plug-in Update: JW meter and Rhythm v1.08

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Mon Apr 8 14:33:59 CEST 2013

Hello All!

"JW Meter and Rhythm" version 1.08 is now available for download. New in 
this update:

* Added Tuplets/Merge task, where adjacent tuplets can be merged (such 
as 2 triples into 1 sixtuplet)
* Added Tuplets/Split task, where tuplets can be splitted
* Added Tuplets/Rests task, where tuplets rests can be controlled. (Only 
contains a "merge" mode in this release.)
* Fixed a bug with the merge tasks in Measure Groups, where measures 
that are empty become hidden rests in the resulting measure
* Fixed a bug with the merge tasks in Measure Groups, where a slightly 
overlapping smartshape between merged regions could cause problems
* Memory leaks found and fixed.

Windows download:

Mac download:

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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