[JW Lua] JW Lua v0.03

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Tue Aug 27 23:15:12 CEST 2013

On 2013-08-27 19:50, Charles O. Lawrence wrote:
> Now we need a debug single step mode.

If you only need to track execution, you can build such a tool with just 
a few rows of code. The standard Lua debug library is included.

If you need an UI to be able to press a key to step one row forward, 
you'll have to wait a bit longer. A debugger is planned, but a 
repository is higher on my list.

> One more question.  What do the *'s mean in the Class Explorer Methods and
> Properties windows?

That's the plural (collection) version [except for "Prefs", which stands 
for preferences].

Generally speaking, you load collections (those ending with 's') with a 
method that loads a bunch of objects, such as "LoadAll()". The 
single-object version is usually loaded with "Load()" or "LoadFirst()" 
or something similar.

For example:
FCPage is an object for one single layout page, such as...
page = finale.FCPage()
page:Load(1)    -- Loads the layout for the first page

FCPages is a collection object...
pages = finale.FCPages()
pages:LoadAll()   -- Load all pages for the current part
for p in each(pages) do
     -- 'p' is now one page in the collection

> What does TGF stand for?

Don't remember... :-) I think "T" is for "tone" and "F" is for "frame". 
It's a term from the really old days Phil Farrand was "the" Finale 

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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