[JW Lua] JW Lua beta 0.16 available

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Wed Feb 12 18:15:16 CET 2014

On 2014-02-11 01:34, Jan Angermüller wrote:

> -FCNoteEntry:CopyEntryPercussionDetails()   ... works fine.
> Although I would prefer a function like CloneTuplets
> in FCNoteEntryLayer. With the current implementation
> I need to find for each note on layer X the corresponding
> note on layer Y (the newly copied layer) and then
> do the FCNoteEntry::CopyEntryPercussionDetails().
> It would be much easier, if it automatically copied a region,
> instead of note-wise with a search function.
> At least if the noteentry was also copied region-wise
> and not note-wise.
> But that's nice to have - it also works like this.

If you have loaded a layer that is cloned, there should be a 1-1 
relationship between the 2 layers. The Count property should be the same 
and each GetItemAt() should refer to the same relative position in the 
FCNoteEntryLayer collection.

> - Find/Alt-F:   looks good. One improvement:
> the find function only searches the text below the
> current position, not above. If you are somewhere at
> the bottom of the document, it won't find the text that is
> located above.
> I know that many other find functions work the same way.
> But why in this case ? In most cases it's more practical to also
> look above the text, after the search below returned false
> (or at least as an option).
> But that's just a "nice to have"... no priority.

The current implementation of "Find" was a rather quick hack. I'll 
revisit the functionality later.

> -Resize to the size of the screen: works ok,
> although it still is not quite full screen size
> (see attached screenshot: only about 95% on
> Windows (on 1920x1080) - but that's fine for me)

Does the FCUI.ScreenWidth and FCUI.ScreenHeight returns the correct 
values for your screen?

> - And it would be great, if you could implement the FCStaffStyle
> components in the next update (i.e. everything that's required to assign
> a staff style).

I'll soon tackle staff styles. I need to redesign it, since the current 
class for the staff style definitions in the PDK Framework doesn't work 
well with the changes made in Finale 2012.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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