[JW Lua] (no subject)

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Tue Apr 28 11:25:53 CEST 2015


Charles reply is currently the best approach for connecting keystrokes 
to Lua scripts. In the future, I hope to provide an integrated solution 
for connecting user-defined keystrokes to scripts (and to my other 
plug-in tasks as well).

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

On 2015-04-26 15:15, Joseph Weidinger wrote:
> Hi Jari.
> Is there a faster way to send Lua code to Finale than selecting JW Lua
> from the menus and going to the development tab, then run?
> I have a GUI that has a bunch of buttons written in AutoHotkey.  It has
> 9 tabs of 15 buttons each (not sure I can redesign that in Lua somehow).
> The macros used to be written in AutoHotkey but I'm beginning to
> transition them all to Lua code as it is better and faster. Currently I
> have about 60 functions/macros/plug-ins you might say.  If I develop
> them into plug-ins with menu items (which is presumably possible) that
> might work well BUT there will be 60 of them, which is kind of a mess.
> AHK has a .dll version (for example) that rides the back of another
> language's process (like python) for very fast integration.  I wonder if
> there is something similar in JW Lua.
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