[JW Lua] FCBaseline Load for System?

Jan Angermüller jan at angermueller.com
Fri Aug 14 19:19:40 CEST 2015

Hi Jari + Bart,

I have tried to the do same as Bart below ( set baseline of 1st verse on 
staff system x on staff y to value z ) with the method you, Jari,  
suggested below.
It works fine if an individual baseline already existed on that staff 
(i.e. if it was created manually before).
But it fails if the specific staff baseline didn't exist (i.e. if it had 
the value zero, or in other words: if it used the default baseline on 
that staff): then FindLyricNumber returns nil.

In this case I would need an FCBaseline:SaveNew(staffsystemno,staffno) 
method to create this new baseline.
Or FindLyricNumber would have to return a baseline with the vertical 
offset 0.

Or am I missing something ?

All the best,

Am 09.07.2015 um 18:27 schrieb Jari Williamsson:
>> I'm fiddling around with the FCBaseline-class. I'm looking for a way 
>> to set the baseline-offset for a certain verse/chorus/section on a 
>> per-system basis. So for example:
>> - Set baseline of 2nd chorus on staff system 10 to x
>> I'm able to set the offset on a global and per-staff basis. Would it 
>> be possible to add a SetSystem-method (since there is a GetSystem...).
> The easiest way is to use the FCBaselines collection class and load 
> all system-specific baselines in one go:
> ---
> local bls = finale.FCBaselines()
> bls:LoadAllForSystem(1, finale.BASELINEMODE_LYRICSVERSE)
> ---
> After that you can search for the specific lyric basline with 
> FindLyricNumber(staffno, lyricno).

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