[JW Lua] FCBaseline Load for System?

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Sat Aug 22 09:26:20 CEST 2015


You're right. There seems to be methods missing to create baselines. 
I'll write it down.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

On 2015-08-14 19:19, Jan Angermüller wrote:
> Hi Jari + Bart,
> I have tried to the do same as Bart below ( set baseline of 1st verse on
> staff system x on staff y to value z ) with the method you, Jari,
> suggested below.
> It works fine if an individual baseline already existed on that staff
> (i.e. if it was created manually before).
> But it fails if the specific staff baseline didn't exist (i.e. if it had
> the value zero, or in other words: if it used the default baseline on
> that staff): then FindLyricNumber returns nil.
> In this case I would need an FCBaseline:SaveNew(staffsystemno,staffno)
> method to create this new baseline.
> Or FindLyricNumber would have to return a baseline with the vertical
> offset 0.
> Or am I missing something ?
> All the best,
> Jan
> Am 09.07.2015 um 18:27 schrieb Jari Williamsson:
>>> I'm fiddling around with the FCBaseline-class. I'm looking for a way
>>> to set the baseline-offset for a certain verse/chorus/section on a
>>> per-system basis. So for example:
>>> - Set baseline of 2nd chorus on staff system 10 to x
>>> I'm able to set the offset on a global and per-staff basis. Would it
>>> be possible to add a SetSystem-method (since there is a GetSystem...).
>> The easiest way is to use the FCBaselines collection class and load
>> all system-specific baselines in one go:
>> ---
>> local bls = finale.FCBaselines()
>> bls:LoadAllForSystem(1, finale.BASELINEMODE_LYRICSVERSE)
>> ---
>> After that you can search for the specific lyric basline with
>> FindLyricNumber(staffno, lyricno).
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