[JW Lua] JW Lua beta 0.43 available

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Tue Nov 17 17:57:37 CET 2015

On 2015-11-17 11:55, Jan Angermüller wrote:

> "CreateImage" that adds a jpg or png image from a given filename to the
> dialog (this can make options more self-explanatory).

I've planned to include bitmap control support for the purpose you 
suggest, but I'll use a little different approach.

>> * The FCLuaIterator class was added, which pretty much replaces the
>> for...do loops. It's a much more efficient approach for processing
>> existing Finale data.
> Do you also mean efficient in terms of faster calculations or just more
> flexible ?

It can be considerably faster, by setting the filtering to only process 
the relevant data, and/or exclude data that shouldn't be processed.

Also note that there's a CalcLastDuration() method, where you can get 
the processing duration of the last iteration processing loop, to find 

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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