[JW Lua] Adding multiple staff styles manually and in JW Lua

Jan Angermüller jan at angermueller.com
Tue Sep 22 13:54:41 CEST 2015

Hi Jari,

 >I'm currently working on implementing a full FCStaffStyleDef.
That would be fantastic !

In that context I noticed one thing with FCStaffStyleAssign.
If I assign a new staff style through FCStaffStyleAssign:SaveNew() to a 
measure that already holds a staff style, it behaves differently than 
assigning a staff style manually in Finale.
For example, Finale reduces the number of staff styles if they are 
uncombineable, while JW Lua puts them all on top which might lead to 
weird or at least unexpected behaviour. But even if they are 
combineable, it seems to lead to different results in some cases (I need 
to check that in detail, it's just what I noticed at first sight...).

Maybe it's up to the developer to check that before assigning a new 
staff style which would be possible when FCStaffStyleDef is available. 
But it might also be a bug in FCStaffStyleAssign ? Or maybe that's even 
one of the reasons why it is difficult to implement in JW Lua. I don't know.

All the best,

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