[JW Lua] Contributing

Nick Mazuk nick at nickmazuk.com
Tue Sep 14 05:35:21 CEST 2021

You're welcome, Daniel. And glad the tutorials helped!

If you ever have any issues contributing to the GitHub repo, feel free to ask here, the JW Lua Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/742277119576336 ) group, or directly on GitHub.


On Sun, Sep 12, 2021 at 4:09 PM, < dgr at leng.de > wrote:

> Dear Nick,
> thank you very much for you decent reply. I already feared that testing in
> JWLua comes down to manual testing only. However now I (sadly) know for
> sure.
> Although I have not yet used git I will dig into it and will proudly
> provide my scripts as soon I got something worth sharing. I didn't know
> about this repo until now. It seems a great ressource. Thanks very much
> for that hint. (I really like it that there is a style guide. I love style
> guides.)
> By the way thanks very much for your tutorials, they help a lot to get
> started. I checked them out some months ago.
> Best regards
> Daniel
> Am 12 Sep 2021 um 12:00 hat jwlua-request@ jwmusic. nu (
> jwlua-request at jwmusic.nu ) geschrieben:
>> Send JWLua mailing list submissions to
>> jwlua@ jwmusic. nu ( jwlua at jwmusic.nu )
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>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than
>> "Re: Contents of JWLua digest..."
>> Today 's Topics:
>> 1. Unit-testing with jwlua scripts? ( dgr@ leng. de ( dgr at leng.de ) )
>> 2. Re: Unit-testing with jwlua scripts? (Nick Mazuk)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Sat , 11 Sep 2021 20:13:18 +0200
>> From: dgr@ leng. de ( dgr at leng.de )
>> To: jwlua@ jwmusic. nu ( jwlua at jwmusic.nu )
>> Subject: [JW Lua] Unit-testing with jwlua scripts? Message-ID: < 613CF1BE.
>> 20776. 58E10D4@ dgr. leng. de ( 613CF1BE.20776.58E10D4 at dgr.leng.de ) >
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>> Hi guys,
>> I am new to JWLua and Lua in general. (However I am not new to software
>> development, see below.) I want to implement new features into Finale
>> needed for classical guitar notation. I begged make music years ago to
>> implement them. They told me liking my ideas but never implemented any of
>> it. So I probably will have to go for myself because I am sick of the
>> cumbersome and time-consuming editing due to lack of proper tools.
>> I have been educated with C (mostly embedded), have little experience in
>> C++ and am coding in C# currently. I read the programming in lua book but
>> still have trouble to understand some of the concepts. Therefore I assume
>> I will have to ask a lot of questions on this channel and will appreciate
>> anyone who answers.
>> Today my first question: Is there any kind of unit testing framework or
>> alike to use inside JWLua? I am getting used to test-driven-development
>> and would like to do this here as well, if possible.
>> And second question: What is the best way to code object-oriented in
>> JWLua?
>> Thank for your kind help in advance.
>> Daniel Grunwald
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Sat , 11 Sep 2021 19:26:58 +0000
>> From: "Nick Mazuk" < nick@ nickmazuk. com ( nick at nickmazuk.com ) > To: "The
>> JW Lua script plug-in." < jwlua@ jwmusic. nu ( jwlua at jwmusic.nu ) >
>> Subject: Re: [JW Lua] Unit-testing with jwlua scripts? Message-ID:
>> < ktg616o5. 006beeeb-b72b-4e70-8868-9f116d037c62@ we. are. superhuman. com
>> ( ktg616o5.006beeeb-b72b-4e70-8868-9f116d037c62 at we.are.superhuman.com ) >
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Hi Daniel,
>> Glad that you're interested in coding with JW Lua! Many of us also write
>> these Lua scripts to implement features MakeMusic hasn't. Now about your
>> questions.
>> *Unit testing*
>> Testing is a feature that's missing in JW Lua. Lua (the language that
>> powers JW Lua) does have several testing frameworks you can use, but
>> because JW Lua adds so many features on top of regular Lua, you likely
>> won't be able to use any of these frameworks.
>> Currently, the best way to test JW Lua scripts is to create a Finale
>> document with all your test cases, run the script, and manually compare
>> the output to what you want. This is definitely not as good as automated
>> testing, but it's better than nothing.
>> *OOP*
>> Lua does not have objects, classes, inheritance, or most other features
>> you'd expect with object oriented programming. The closest thing is a
>> "table" (like a dictionary in Python or a hash map in Javascript). So the
>> code you write is mostly going to be functional (which realistically this
>> works really well for JW Lua).
>> However, Finale it's self uses OOP. So JW Lua extends the Lua language
>> with "Finale objects". Anytime you see something like `local entry =
>> finale.FCNoteEntry()` , you are instantiating a new note entry object. You
>> can check out the class browser (which is inside the plugin) for all the
>> objects, methods, and properties that JW Lua adds.
>> Does this make sense?
>> Also, since you're coming from the C family of languages, note that Lua is
>> much simpler. For instance, you don't need to keep track of memory
>> management and Lua is not statically typed (e.g., you don't need to
>> declare an integer as an int).
>> One thing you may wish to do is to contribute to a GitHub repository of
>> Lua scripts that several of us have put together. We have a standard
>> library of functions that takes care of many things that you might now
>> want to do by hand (e.g., figuring out how to transpose notes). If you
>> want to share your scripts, contributing to this repository makes it dead
>> simple. Let me know if you want to learn more about it. https:/ / github. com/
>> Nick-Mazuk/ jw-lua-scripts ( https://github.com/Nick-Mazuk/jw-lua-scripts )
>> Best,
>> Nick
>> On Sat, Sep 11, 2021 at 11:13 AM, < dgr@ leng. de ( dgr at leng.de ) > wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I am new to JWLua and Lua in general. (However I am not new to software
>>> development, see below.) I want to implement new features into Finale
>>> needed for classical guitar notation. I begged make music years ago to
>>> implement them. They told me liking my ideas but never implemented any of
>>> it. So I probably will have to go for myself because I am sick of the
>>> cumbersome and time-consuming editing due to lack of proper tools.
>>> I have been educated with C (mostly embedded), have little experience in
>>> C++ and am coding in C# currently. I read the programming in lua book but
>>> still have trouble to understand some of the concepts. Therefore I assume
>>> I will have to ask a lot of questions on this channel and will appreciate
>>> anyone who answers.
>>> Today my first question: Is there any kind of unit testing framework or
>>> alike to use inside JWLua? I am getting used to test-driven-development
>>> and would like to do this here as well, if possible.
>>> And second question: What is the best way to code object-oriented in
>>> JWLua?
>>> Thank for your kind help in advance.
>>> Daniel Grunwald
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>> Subject: Digest Footer
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>> ------------------------------
>> End of JWLua Digest, Vol 83, Issue 2
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