[JW Lua] v0.67/Lua 5.4 report from Perfect Layout - solved it

Jan Angermüller jan at angermueller.com
Sat Mar 18 14:41:14 CET 2023


thanks for your quick response!

>   *  Is it possible you requested the embedded version in the wrong
>     `plugindef` function?
Solved it!
The problem had indeed to do with the plugindef function.

The plugindef function was only recognized correctly by RGP Lua when it 
was at the very top of the plug-in code.

Usually the plugindef is not at the top of the (uncompiled) version of 
Perfect Layout.
But when I moved it to the very first line of the code, it worked.
Is this the expected behaviour in RGP Lua?

As the compiled version of Perfect Layout works different (with a second 
file that requires the main plug-in code), it is probably different there.
But I haven't checked a compiled Perfect Layout version with 5.4 yet. I 
assume it will work though.

>   * That's weird about ZeroBraneStudio. I've been using it
>     interchangeably between 5.2 and 5.4 without issues. Maybe mine was
>     a newer installation.
Could be that your installation was newer. I didn't reinstall 

>   * Should I investigate the `tonumber` issue?
Any other opinions?
I rarely use it and it was only one line in the code that had the problem.

I'll run more tests with my test suite later.

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