[JW Lua] v0.67/Lua 5.4 report from Perfect Layout - solved it

Robert Patterson robert at robertgpatterson.com
Sat Mar 18 19:23:00 CET 2023

The location of the plugindef function is not supposed to matter. Let me
see if I can reproduce that here.

On Sat, Mar 18, 2023 at 8:42 AM Jan Angermüller <jan at angermueller.com>

> Robert,
> thanks for your quick response!
>    -  Is it possible you requested the embedded version in the wrong
>    `plugindef` function?
> Solved it!
> The problem had indeed to do with the plugindef function.
> The plugindef function was only recognized correctly by RGP Lua when it
> was at the very top of the plug-in code.
> Usually the plugindef is not at the top of the (uncompiled) version of
> Perfect Layout.
> But when I moved it to the very first line of the code, it worked.
> Is this the expected behaviour in RGP Lua?
> As the compiled version of Perfect Layout works different (with a second
> file that requires the main plug-in code), it is probably different there.
> But I haven't checked a compiled Perfect Layout version with 5.4 yet. I
> assume it will work though.
>    - That's weird about ZeroBraneStudio. I've been using it
>    interchangeably between 5.2 and 5.4 without issues. Maybe mine was a newer
>    installation.
> Could be that your installation was newer. I didn't reinstall
> ZeroBraneStudio.
>    - Should I investigate the `tonumber` issue?
> Any other opinions?
> I rarely use it and it was only one line in the code that had the problem.
> I'll run more tests with my test suite later.
> Jan
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