[JWplugins] Name question: Messa di voce

Klaus Smedegaard Bjerre yorkmasterbbb at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 19 12:29:01 CET 2012


> From: Jari Williamsson <jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se>
>To: JW Freeware plug-ins for Finale <jwplugins at jwmusic.nu> 
>Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 12:25 PM
>Subject: Re: [JWplugins] Name question: Messa di voce
>On 2012-12-19 11:09, vaughanschlepp at mac.com wrote:
>> If you used a percentage parameter for the max of the swell, how would the plugin determine it?
>Measure-attached smart shapes (such as hairpins) are bound to duration positions within the measure. If the note duration is whole note and the swell center would be at 25%, the high point of the swell would be on beat 2 of the whole note (at the EDU position 1024 technically speaking, since a quarter note is 1024 EDUs).
>After a bit more thought on the subject, I think I'll use a percentage entry field for the center point of the swell (accepting values between 10-90 %) instead of fixed percentage choices.
>Best regards,
>Jari Williamsson

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