[JWplugins] Vaughn's Edit Frame trick

Steven M. Alper shop at knappalper.com
Wed Feb 6 15:11:12 CET 2013

On Feb 6, 2013, at 6:00 AM, jwplugins-request at jwmusic.nu wrote:

> Perhaps you know this already, but even without a plugin or workarounds it's quite possible and easy to put left ties on second ending notes (if the last note before the first ending has a right tie). You have to do it in the Edit Frame window which you enter in Speedy Entry by holding opt or alt and clicking the measure. In the bottom section of the window, there are fields for tie start and tie end. Just find the relevant note and select tie end. It's very quick once you get used to it.

Nice, Vaughn. I DIDN'T know that one.

However, this doesn't help in other situations -- for instance, when you want a left-side tie on a note after a right-facing repeat sign (indicating that the last note in the repeat is tied to the first).


Steven M. Alper

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