[JWplugins] New accidental setting

Steve Vai mr.vai at mac.com
Wed Mar 20 20:20:45 CET 2013

In regards to your question here, I saw this as a composer tool that lays out a description cover page for a score. It would be a template of sorts that would outline the instrumentation, percussion legends, Title, composer, is it a concert or transposed score, special notes about performance or transposition, copyright notice, composer, arranger and orchestrator info, date of completed composition, previous performances of composition or special credits such as "This piece was commissioned by bla bla bla for bla bla bla, And perhaps some graphics so the page isn't just dry text. 
None of the above would be necessary for parts unless there is a specific note for the performance of a particular instrument, then it could be automatically linked to that particular part. One such thought on this is guitar notation. People have different ideas of how to notate things on the guitar and an explanation section in the score notes (this template) can be linked to the printed guitar part. 

On Mar 18, 2013, at 2:04 PM, Jari Williamsson wrote:

> 8. Cover Page templates: Would be nice to have some pre-created
> cover page templates or a template you can fill in that would
> create a cover page that has instrumentation, composers notes,
> percussion legends etc. The only way I figured out how to do it
> now is to create a blank page and build something on it with the
> text tool. Finale redraws every letter sometimes, massive waste of time.

Should this page be inserted to all linked parts?

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