[JWplugins] Different types of composite time sigs

Klaus Smedegaard Bjerre yorkmasterbbb at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 23 18:58:25 CET 2013

Complex meters

> From: Steve Vai <mr.vai at mac.com>
>To: JW Freeware plug-ins for Finale <jwplugins at jwmusic.nu> 
>Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2013 6:55 PM
>Subject: Re: [JWplugins] Different types of composite time sigs
>Ah, I get it. 
>You're looking for a name. 
>Well, because there are multiple numerators and denominators in one measure, and terminology such as "common, composite etc" can be confusing because they point to other types of meters, I would consider calling this kind of situation "Hybrid Meter". Conceptually that term is in line with what "Hybrid Chord" terminology points to.
>I will keep my eye out for that donation button.
>On Mar 23, 2013, at 4:47 AM, Jari Williamsson wrote:
>On 2013-03-22 23:29, Steve Vai wrote:
>> My vote would be (2/8)+(3/8)+(2/4).
>> or    2+3 + 2
>>           8      4
>> It's easier to read and leaves less to be wondered about.
>In the plug-in, the choice is up to the user - I was unclear about that in my question. I have attached a example picture that shows what the plug-in task does.
>The thing I'm working on is a new task for "JW Meter and Rhythm" that merges multiple measures into one. (In the pictured example, a region of 3 measures are merged.) Regarding the resulting time signatures of the new measure, the user have 3 options:
>* Common
>* Composite (grouped)
>* Composite (ungrouped)
>My question was related to the names of the 3 options above, so they become intuitive to use.
>For users on the digest list, the picture can also be found at:
>> Do you accept donations (like free-ware) for your work?
>I get regular questions about this. My plug-ins that are available for download are absolute free to use. At the moment, I unfortunately don't have a "Donate" button on the web pages - I'll see if I can add that in the future.

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